Industry supporting companies in island booths are required to comply with the line-of-sight guidelines. Backgrounds/structures can be up to twenty (20) feet in height. This applies to all components and properties of the booth, including fixtures, signs, etc. Supporters must comply with the following rules: 

  • All island booths must have at least 25% access from all four sides. Island booths are subject to on-site review and required modification where necessary, at the industry supporter’s expense.   
  • 20'-40’ wide island booths must maintain a 1' setback of all booth structures 8' in height, from the floor.
  • 50'-70’ wide island exhibits must maintain a 2' setback of all booth structures 8' in height, from the floor.
  • 80'+ wide island exhibits must maintain a 3' setback of all booth structures 8' in height, from the floor.
  • All equipment, demo products, presentation theaters, etc. must maintain at least a 5’ setback. This must be clearly pointed out in your booth drawings.

DDW does not allow second story displays.

Show Management needs to review all island booth drawings to confirm compliance to these rules. You can submit a drawing/rendering/plan of your island booth layout to Show Management using the Island Booth Drawings Approval Form. Please submit your layout to Show Management no later than March 1, 2023. Show Management reserves the right to request adjustments on-site if it is determined that a booth space violates these rules.